Let me begin by saying that my experiments in Facebook dating have gone forward and have not all been tragic. I have been burned before my friends. I'm not out there looking for "Mr. Right" or even for "Mr. Right Now". I am just casually seeking new friends, new acquaintances, and new people to buy me dinner. So though I have been dismayed in the past (the man from Qatar who wrote me on a Sunday morning at 11:13 AM to ask if I wanted to "meet on Union Square at noon to have some Sunday bunch" springs to mind) I dove back into the Facebook swamp to see if I could pull a frog prince out from amongst the horny toads.
I went out recently on a date with a guy who I met through some monstrously awful application called "Are you Interested?" So because of this my expectations were pretty low. Incidentally I am being stalked on this same application daily by a man who appears to be some sort of pixelated cowboy, and who is doubtless a serial killer. I'm not kidding. This is his profile picture.

He keeps sending me gifts of cartoon bottles of wine. You ever try to get drunk on cartoon wine? It's almost impossible.
What's that you say readers?
You would like to see some of the other "hotties" who have expressed an interest in little old me? Why sure! Please enjoy this cavalcade of actual photos I have received from suitors the world over!

According to this man's profile he is both married, and a minister.
Soooooo my type.

Trying not to be offended here.

I don't even know what this thing is.
I really wish I were kidding.

So anyway, back to the date with the guy I actually agreed to go out with only after insisting on seeing several different photos from various heights and angles. He works in finance. He has a career where he sits in an office, and wears suits with cuff links a

On a side note while looking for fun images to spruce up this entry I Googled "men in suits" and guess what came up? PORN! This only confirms my theory that you can Google

Anyway, Mr. Finance and I did have a nice time but there will be no details here kids because I fear that he may read the blog and Lord knows nothing but bad could come of that. Suffice it to say we might see each other again.
So I have been doing some dating, catching up on my reading, hanging out with my dog, and riding my bike in the park. All in all the Spring is treating me rather well. But I mean come on people! Is it possible for it to get any worse after the Winter that I just had? Never mind, I take that back. Let me not tempt fate here. I don't want New York to get washed away in a Tsunami tomorrow just because I said that "it couldn't get any worse." Let's just say everything is exactly how it is supposed to be at this precise moment. Fair? Brilliant, moving on then.
But speaking of New York getting destroyed I am so OVER watching all of these movies where I have to see my hometown get obliterated in this ridiculously expensive CGI style. I don't need this shit Hollywood thank you very much! Those of us who were here for 9/11 don't care to relive it via spider dropping Godzilla monsters or people munching mutant dogs.
This past week I sat through

Alright that's all I've got for this session. I will be back with more to bitch about soon I am sure. No worries kids. I can always find something to take issue with. Until then...peace!
I really enjoy your blog quite a bit, and I've never heard of Facebook dating, but Craigslist dating... pft I should not even start talking about it!
Dating is definitely not my thing. And with the freaks who find me online, I've lost all hope. But craig's list haha I am so tempted to put up an ad for a gay guy who wants to move in with me and raise my adopted children.
Good point about the movies that destroy NYC. I've never even really thought about it like that.... I say they should obliterate Ocala, FL. what a dump that place is. :D
I just went through something almost the same as you (except I didn't live with him and he dumped me for a troll looking ex-girlfriend of his), and last week I got a facebook message from a guy I went to high school with who was a year older than me... he asked if he could take me out sometime.
Obviously I was terrified of the fact that someone thought I was worthwhile to ask out... so I haven't responded. Besides, I've got a dirty crush on a guy I work with.
So good luck with the dating! I know I'm ready to get back out there!
Dear God, YES on the Facebook/dating thing. I'm back on the market for the first time in five years, and I have NO idea how to even meet someone. Do I even WANT to meet someone from the internet? I've had some... interesting experiences with that, to say the least. Besides, I need someone who is going to be cool with my dog. Because she rocks and she's not going anywhere.
Keep up the good writing, lady. And if you come up with a way to meet a decent guy that doesn't like NASCAR or George Bush, please share, because at this point, I don't think I'm ever going to get laid again.
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