Thursday, October 2, 2008

Well I think Biden pretty much nailed it.
He was cordial, confident and charming.
Unlike old man McSame he never seemed smug or condescending to the lesser experienced Palin. He was bold in his declarations and clear in his statements.
Palin was a carefully presented package of the same rhetoric and talking points.
We've had eight years of talking points.
Bush's disapproval rating is now at 70%. That's the lowest of any president in American history, lower than Hoover during the Great Depression, lower even than Nixon during the height of the Watergate scandal. I would ask what more could Bush do to fuck up the country before he leaves office but frankly I am terrified of what he could come up with. At the very least I am sure he will manage to get drunk, piss in the Rose garden and set it on fire.
Biden did his job tonight and did it well. Sarah Palin was a woman clearly out of her league. Two more Presidential debates to go. 32 days left...

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