Sunday, February 22, 2009


Oh how I love Tina Fey and Steve Martin! And a Scientology dig? They may have just made my evening worthwhile. Where is the Tom Cruise money shot when you need it? Although not sure if Cruisazy and the lil missus made it to the big show tonight. Milk was a wonderful film so I am happy to see it win for Original Screenplay. Wow. What a fantastic speech. I am speechless. Just awesome. How inspiring for all of those struggling for acceptance and equality.
Slumdog I've got nothing. I know, I know I've heard it's great. But God the Brits are dry. Jump up and down! Get excited! Go crazy! It's the Oscars for God's sake. Step on Spielberg's head and throw a Sally Field like crying fit! Sweet lord this is going to be a long night.

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