This makes two break-ups in two months for me gang.

I'm beginning to think that there might be something deeper going on here.
Perhaps I am secreting some sort of reverse pheromone that instantly repels anyone within ten feet. If any of you at the stage door get the urge to suddenly flee when you see me coming please let me know. My doctor may have some sort of cream or ointment he could prescribe.
Anyway today my therapist (and YES I am in therapy so you can all save the comments telling me to go.) has not been pleased with my attendance record lately. I have been skipping out on sessions frequently. And I think the reason for this should be fairly obvious to all of my regular readers. Clearly I am now well-balanced, emotionally stable, and no longer in need of psychological aid.
Anyone buy that?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
The hard truth is that sometimes it's just scary for ME to show up and face ME. I am one of those people who believes that everyone could use a little therapy. I mean can you think of any problems in the world that could be made worse by discussing them?
One of the reasons why I like Obama so much is that he (gasp!) said that he wo

So I go to therapy, when I actually go, to check in with myself.
And to tell you the truth that's been really tough for me to do lately.
I have a friend, another actor who said to me recently, "I've always been really good at being funny, but not so good at being me." A better epithet for my tombstone I have yet to find.
Good actors are great liars, wonderful storytellers, and terrible realists.
I could give you Nina from The Seagull one minute: broken, lost, proud, tormented. And then a minute later Nora from A Doll's House: anxious, doting, awakened, defiant. But ask me to play Frances...and that's when I start to run into problems.

This has always been my favorite definition of what I do for a living. If there is no truth on stage or on screen then there is no art. Nothing is more painful to me than bad acting...NOTHING! I can't even get enjoyment out of watching good old-fashioned American porn! I can't get past the wooden line readings delivered by the failed models and aspiring graduates. The D

Horror show people.
I've gotten more turned on watching NOVA.
What real actors do, or what we hope to do if we are getting it right, is to make the audience feel that there is no acting going on at all. That what you are seeing is happening in this moment and only in this moment. "Aye there's the rub!"
When you watch The Godfather you shouldn't be spending your

When you bring truth to what is in reality fiction you can create entire worlds of possibility. Suddenly we can be in 19th century Russia on a country estate, or just as easily in a Norwegian Parlor with Torvald and Nora. Or we can be excruciatingly bored watching incompetent performers stumble their way through time and space.
It drives me insane when I hear some idiot like Nicole Richie say that they have suddenly decided to pursue acting; As if it were just some lark you could take up one day like needlepoint, or in Nicole's case, motherhood.

I have always been an actor. It is what I knew that I was going to do even before I was aware that I had any talent. I am very fortunate in that way; that I always knew what I was meant to do.
The problem for me friends came when I had to stop acting. I know that might sound ridiculous to some of you, and I want to assure you all that I have not been diagnosed with a multiple personality disorder...yet. But when you spend your life pretending to be other people, it's not always so easy to figure out who you are.
And that is why I will continue to see my therapist. So I can get to the bottom of Frances. I think however that I may need to start showing up for all of my appointments from now on. Because as of late, I feel like there might be a lot left inside of me yet to discover.
Nicole Richie...the actress? Please gag me now. Did I hear somewhere that she is interested in joining the Broadway cast of Chicago? Heck, she might as well be the new Wendla! I digress.
Therapy. We all need it. I only wish we were all brave enough to admit it.
Can I just say that you are basically me?... Although, a much more witty and wise version of me.
This blog pretty much sums up everything I've been thinking for the past four years.
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