Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Town Hall Debate Pre Show

Tonight is the town hall style debate between our two presidential candidates Old Man McSame and Barack "Hope of the Universe" Obama. This is throwdown time for McCain. His campaign has taken a truly ugly turn this past week attempting to smear Obama by linking him with William Ayers with whom Obama served on a Chicago board of educational reform in the mid 1990's. Ayers was the infamous leader of the radical leftist group The Weather Underground which terrorized the nation with bombings and violent protests in the 1960's and 70's. Criminal charges against him were dropped in 1980, and he currently holds the title of Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. According to the Associated Press, they are not close: “No evidence shows they were “pals” or even close when they worked on community boards years ago …” The acts Ayers perpetrated, which Obama publicly denounced, were committed 40 years ago...when Obama was 8. This is a truly desperate hail mary attempt by the McCain campaign to hurl mud at Obama any which way that they can and I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't splash back their way.

It's like this. I did a show once with Michael C.Hall. I was an understudy, he played the lead. We ran for a few months. We talked as work associates backstage. We never went out for drinks or hung around outside of work (although man would I have liked to. WOOF!) When the show ended our association ended. Nice working with you, all the best. He now plays a serial killer on a show called Dexter. According to the GOP logic I fully support and endorse serial killers. My best friends are serial killers, and I won't be happy until serial killers kill you, your children, and everyone you love. All because I did a play with Michael C. Hall.

I'm beginning to think the GOP are magik. Not magic like magicians, but magik like witches and fairies and elves! They made John Kerry a purple heart recieving war hero look like a draft dodging coward compared to...well, a draft dodging coward. They can make Sarah Palin see Russia from her house! Now she can name all the tzars by heart and in order! They can even turn an eight year old Barack Obama into a terrorist! That is some kool-aid they are drinking over at Karl Rove's house. Which brings me to the most important part of tonight's debate. The drinking game! Here are the rules kids. Good luck!

MAVERICK take a shot
FREEDOM take a shot
HOPE take a shot
TERROR/ take a shot
GREED take a shot
SPENDING take a shot
EARMARKS take a shot
DRILL take a shot

That should get everyone completely destroyed by my count.
Let the games begin!


Nix said...

oh i'm so happy you're live blogging the debate again. I discoved your last one later... but i love it!!

Snoskred said...

Hi there.. :) I found you because I have a google alert set for Michael C Hall and Dexter ;) Glad I did, added you to my reader.

I love the way you made the point about guilt by association. I do feel it is the only thing they've got left now, and they're going to use it over and over.. ;(