Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Amen Barack! Making healthcare sound sweet and easy. That's how it should be.
You can tell the people in the audience are average Americans because they look fat and miserable.
I'm thinking about moving to Sweden.
They have healthcare there.
P.S. Where did they find all of these black people willing to go on TV and say that they haven't decided yet if they are going to vote for the first black president? I would be afraid to go home again for fear that my friends would all be hiding in my house waiting to kick the shit out of me.
But that's probably just because I have really good friends.
Diminished respect is what Obama is talking about and again linking Bush and McCain together.
Their foreign policy turned our country into a nation of distrust, and led directly to the world's inaction in Darfur. Other nations would not support our efforts because they no longer listen to us or see us as responsible leaders.

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