Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Drunken Children Tell the Ugliest Lies"

I have 20/20 vision.
Very exciting stuff I know.
I tell you this because the truth is I always wanted to be the type of woman who wore glasses. I'm not crazy.
I've never prayed to God for a detached retina.
What I am saying is that I always wanted to be that woman.
You know her.
Maybe you have seen her at the Whitney,
or toting a canvas bag full of fruit and bread on the train.
She's incredibly well-read, dazzling at cocktail parties, always wearing jewelery that a friend brought back from Sri Lanka, and smells of tea tree oil, jasmine, and leather bound books.
The kind of woman who keeps her hair long in her fifties and throws the whole gray frizzy lot of it up into an effortless heap with a pair of chopsticks.
I love that lady, and I always thought that the key to someday becoming her began with the glasses.
"Let's drink chrysanthemum tea and discuss Anne Sexton and then I will tell you about hitchhiking through Morocco and the bandits who almost stole my llama."
I have to get some glasses.
As a child I envied the kids who got to wear them.
Every year I would try and throw the eye exam.
"E, G, A, D, next line, uh, B, X, Q? um R, next line, sailboat? turtle, crescent moon, 7."
Never worked once.
Our school nurse, I believe her last name may have been Ratched, may have been one hundred and eleven but she was sharp as a bear trap.
Granted I may have given her just cause to doubt my many ailments.
I hated school and was constantly looking for a reason to flee and catch a bus to New York City where I was certain my millionaire husband would be waiting on his yacht ready to sail me around the world with violinists, caviar, and fine champagne.
I watched entirely too many episodes of Fantasy Island and The Love Boat as a child.
I may never fully recover a sense of reality.
Anyway I had a habit of crying wolf back in those childhood days, and given any moment of boredom or mediocrity I would ask to leave class, head to the infirmary and say something along the lines of "I have a terrible ache in my stomach and my scalp won't stop itching. I think I have polio."
I used to try and throw the hearing test too.
I don't know what I thought I would get out of this one.
Really cool hearing aids that all the other kids would envy?
I don't know.
All I remember is that the nurse would put these giant suction cup headphones over your ears. You know the kind?
The ones that the Williamsburg kids wear on the train to let you know that they have been listening to Modest Mouse since '96 and are therefore THAT much better than you are.
So the nurse would play these beeps in your ear and you had to raise your hand to tell her if you heard the sound in the left ear, the right ear, or not at all.
Every year I went Helen Keller deaf after twenty seconds.
And cool hearing aids to show off in September.
I would stand lopsided for the scoliosis exam just begging for a back brace.
I would touch the head of every dirty kid in class just praying for the popsicle stick to leave my head hopping with lice.
And still...healthy as a freaking horse.
So why did I do all of this stuff as a kid.
A desperate plea for attention?
A longing to be different?
A yearning to make friends with the elderly?
It may have been a combination of all three.
But today I thank my higher power that I can see the stars, that I can hear the wind through the trees, and that I don't have to wash my hair with charcoal.
Still though, I may pick up some fake glasses.
And then maybe someday I could be that lady I have always dreamed of.


Tamra said...

i can sympathize with all your wants... but lice... youcrazy!

anywho yes pick up soem fake glasses, no one has to know they are fake, and since we "don't know who you are" no one can call you on it! i just got glasses for reading a few months ago so anything is possible :D

Anonymous said...

Patience, patience. I love this post. I'm not yet this lady and still want to be too (I'm close, though!) P.S. Age and nature take their toll and you'll rue the day when you get up in the morning and need to put those reading glasses on so you don't chop your finger off when you're slicing the morning fruit salad! Actually half-glasses are cool.

Valerie J. said...


I was always the kid who did EVERYTHING not to get sick but here I am, minor scoliosis, glasses, I had braces- I could be going deaf right now.

Let's trade.

KHSOMusic said...

1st Grade: I lied during my eyesight test and guess who got put into glasses a week later? Yup. Had em' ever since.

I have some pretty rad glasses that I don't use anymore...they are really sweet Vogue, black thick-rimmed...they're so trendy! lol
If you desire them, I will bring them to you March 8th while I'm in town in NY...or will you not be in NYC then?

Mookie said...

Strange as this sounds, i actually think this entry is kinda sweet =0P i say go out and get a frame you like, who cares if they have a prescription on them. its actually better if they don't, because then you have the secret from the rest of the world to the fact that you (like superman) really don't need those glasses. Or it can be your semi alter ego (like for this blog)!

Mary said...

Go buy a pair of glasses. Sometimes, they make you look even smarter than you are.

Though we should have switched places. I always wanted to be the one who got perfect scores on everything. Obviously, I failed the eye exam. Big-time.

BTW - on your sidebar? Butterscotch Krumpets are AMAZING. I use to live for TastyKake Day at college when the business school brought them in for their presentations.

enlightened distraction said...

Do you remember me in 8th grade? Yeah - those original frames that I would sport with my layers of crystal necklaces and my - what would we call those pants, they weren't MC Hammer, they were more gypsy like, with a triangle cut upwards on the inside of the cuff - and a leotard under that... (god i was so fashionable)

yeah - those frames - totally fake.

as the years progressed they became real. either genetics caught up (which is most likely the case) or if you do want to end up sight-deprived - try your luck with the perscriptionless ones. (just don't ware the 24/7).